Thursday, December 17, 2009

Definition : Friendship

Friendship, a mutual relationship between people, needs loyalty and has restrictions in order to be maintained. It can be found everywhere. It just depends on how people acquire it. Some people acquire friendships through common things. Some people acquire friendships through common places, others through the internet. A friendship can sometimes last without any physical contact, but it cannot last without a understanding for each other as it is a mutual relationship. Example of friendships with no physical contact are textmates, chatmates, pen pal and phone pals.

There are many kinds of friendship ( There are friendships wherein people just hang out together through common friends but not really open up to each other. That kind of friendship is the acquaintance type. The other kind of friendship where people open up to each other and help one another on times of troubles is the the close friend or best friend type.(

Friendship is a mutual relationship between people ( would be no friendship present if it is only one-sided. It takes two to make it work. There are common understandings within a friendship. As friendships tend to develop friends, people who are friends for a long time tend to adapt to each other’s lifestyle. They gain common understandings through experience. Sometimes best friends can comprehend each other with just an eye-to-eye contact.

Every friendship needs compromise ( There is compromise in each friendship as it is a give-and-take relationship. There would be quarrels between friendship because it lacks compromise. Examples of compromise within a friendship are: giving each other’s time, lowering each other’s pride and keep up with one another’s tantrums.

To conclude, friendship is natural among people ( As it is their human nature to have a relationship, it is essential that one should treasure these relationships as each one gains from it. Friendship is really important to everyone as it serves as their support system in times of troubles and in times of happiness.

Sources/ References:, 2009

Strict parenting, Child tendencies and Negative teenage developments

For a parent, having a child is the most wonderful thing. Surely, they would want what’s best for their prized possession. They would do their best just to raise their children well. Parenting is their way in shaping their offspring to be the best that they can be. Most parents assume that strict parenting is the way to go, but do they have to go the extra mile regarding the strictness? Too much strictness may cause negative teenage development and child tendencies.

Common child tendencies caused by strict parenting would be tantrums and bullying. A tantrum is an emotional outburst mostly done by children. It is their way to seek their parents’ attention. Bullying is often committed by children with strict parents because it is their way to release their anger. They release their anger to helpless little children, as they feel helpless at home. Negative teenage developments can be also caused by strict parenting. Negative developments such as rebellion and promiscuity are common to teenagers who feel they lack freedom. Rebellion is their way of showing their refusal of their parent;s words and rules. They show their rebellion by sneaking out late at night past their curfew and by answering back. Teenagers act promiscuous to feel free as they yearn for freedom and affection from their family. They do these to defy their parents principles, it is their way to reach out for help and to ask for attention from their parents.

Common child tendencies such as tantrums and bullying;and negative teenage developments such as rebellion and promiscuity are all caused because they yearn for attention. Child tendencies and negative teenage development are caused by the strictness of the parents. The more strict they are, the more their children feel that they are deprived from their freedom;which will lead to more effects. Some show their parents their tendencies and negative developments;while others do it behind their back.

traveling by plane vs traveling by car to far destinations intra-island

Because of globalization, traveling to far places is essential. Traveling is used in business, leisure and other matters. There are two ways to travel far intra-island places: traveling by plane and traveling by car. Traveling by plane and traveling by car involves money, safety and time management. In traveling, the three factors to be considered are: safety, cost and time-efficiency.

Most people tend to travel due to the airline promos. Many people go on vacations every now and then. It is to serve as their break from their stressful lives. Cost is always a big factor to regard when traveling. Traveling by plane to reach far destinations is cheaper than traveling by car. With the price of oil increasing,it is more advisable to ride public transportation means. As traveling by car, people tend to have a lot of stops and traffic jams along their trip, they are wasting gas;which makes their expenses increase without them noticing it. By using public transportation means such as commercial airlines,the gas used in the flight would be measured already.

When traveling, time is of the essence. Time is very important. With the society adapting to the fast-paced world, it is normal to seek time-efficiency in the things people do. As people want to spend their vacation to the fullest and businessmen tend to have busy schedules, traveling time is considered as a part of concern when traveling. Traveling by plane is much less time consuming than by car. With no traffic jams to be worried about hindrances that affect peoples travel, traveling by car is still more time-consuming than traveling by plane. As airplanes also tend to have faster engines than cars, traveling by plane is almost equivalent to half or lesser time of the average traveling time by car.

Safety is another factor to be always remembered when traveling. It is the most important of them all, as a compromise in safety may cause people their lives. When traveling by plane, safety is the priority as stewards and stewardesses always inform people of their emergency procedures and safety procedures are always practiced. Traveling by plane is safer regarding the practice of procedures. When traveling by car, people tend to ignore safety procedures as they are not being constantly monitored. Drunk drunk driving and car accidents are more likely to occur.

Traveling by plane to reach far destinations intra-island is better than by car. As it,traveling by plane, shows much favorable results regarding the factors of safety, cost and time-efficiency than traveling by car.