Thursday, November 19, 2009

My bungee jumping experience (descriptive essay)

Have you ever done something extreme? Do you know how it feels like doing something that can kill you somehow? 

Bungee Jumping is an extreme sport where you jump from a ledge with your legs tied up together and a bungee cord connected to it. Bungee jumping is quite popular in New Zealand. It is known together with its pioneers A.J. Hackett. Now, A.J. Hackett founded a company that caters to aspiring extremist to experience bungee jumping. In the town of Queenstown in New Zealand, the company offers three jumping destination all differing in height. The lowest jump offered is the Kawarau bridge that is 43 meters. The moderate jump which is the Nevis bungee is 134 meters. While the highest and deepest bungee jump is the Ledge bungee with 400 meters. 

When I was still young, I was already a thrill seeker. I have always wanted to try new and extreme things in life. Always seeing bungee jumping on television, I have always aspired of trying it. Learning that Bungee jumping was offered in Queenstown, I was really really excited to go there and try it. As I know that there is no bungee jumping offered in the Philippines, I thought of bungee jumping in Queenstown as an opportunity that I should not let pass. On March 2008, my family and I decided to go to New Zealand. At first,I thought New Zealand was only a boring country that has a lot of cows  and sheep. I was wrong about assuming it was boring. I twas really fun and exciting there, as they offer a lot of outdoor activities. On the 23rd of March 2008, I was somehow feeling excited with a little feeling of nervousness. It was my turn to jump the ledge already. My turn to do something extreme and to do something dangerous. As the conductor of the jump gears me up for the jump, my mom stayed to make sure that everything is alright and that I would not get my neck strangled with the bungee cord upon jumping. As the conductor informed mr that it was my time to go, remembering my mother’s words, I was feeling a bit hesitant. I asked him to push me so that I would just free fall but he said no and that it was against their company policy to push, saying that it would not be called a jump. As he told me that it would not be called a jump. As he said that, I was somehow thinking how on earth would I be able to jump if both of my legs are tied together. Nevertheless, I tried my best to jump. Upon jumping, I could feel myself falling freely along the 43 meter length cord. As the cord reached its maximum length,causing it to bounce back, I rebounded again for about 15 feet. As it stopped rebounding, I was left dangling and waiting for the people to pull me down. While waiting, I could still hear my family cheering me on. They would shout “go Justine!”,’’aaah!” and “Pose!”. It was really overwhelming knowing that my family was supporting me on my decision. 

As I was pulled down, I still got a tingly feeling of adrenaline rush on me. After that jump, as it was really a wonderful experience for me, I wish to try it again. My first bungee jump symbolizes my ability to take a risk, to trust others and to challenge myself.

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